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What are PFAs?
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, otherwise known as PFAS, increasingly gain headlines because more studies continually show their negative health impact. But what are PFAS, how do they impact our health and why do we need…
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Clean Water Featured PFASA Brief History of Water Wells
What exactly is a well? Technically speaking, it is a structure created in the ground by digging, drilling, or driving to access groundwater in underground aquifers, or a pocket of water trapped between layers of…
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Clean Water Facts Featured WellsQuick and Helpful Facts About Water Wells
There are three possible types of drinking water wells used in private residences, in homes like yours! Dug/Bored Wells There are dug/bored wells, which are holes dug by hand or backhoe, cased (lined) by stones,…
You Haven’t Had Your Well Water Tested? Here’s Why It Is Time
Your water tastes great, no smell, no taste and you’ve never had a problem with it. We hear all the time, “I have the best water around”. In some instances that may be true. However,…
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Clean Water WellsThe Chemical EDB and Facts Connecticut Residents Should Know
Several months ago, we had talked about an incident in Connecticut with the toxin EDB and homeowners. While you can still read the JI article here, let’s take a look at EDB a bit further…
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Clean Water FactsHow Lightning Can Affect Your Water Pump and the Quality of Your Water
Sometimes the last thing we think of is our water pump or effects to water during a lightning storm. The truth is, we have seen cases where lightning has affected both the water quality and…
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Clean Water Featured TipsWhat to Know About Acidic Water & Low PH
Have you ever been somewhere and noticed that the water has a “unique” taste to it? In some places throughout Connecticut, there are areas that have more trouble than others based on location. Homeowners sometimes…
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